Save Your Money And Stop Pre-Ordering Your Games

I loved pre-ordering my video games. There’s nothing better than waking up on release day and dropping by a GameStop to pick it up. I’m not standing in a long line outside the store. I’m not waiting for the Steam version to show the ‘buy’ button.

I already have the game.

I didn’t necessarily pre-order because I wanted the steel book cover or the figurine. I wanted to play the game sooner than most people.

Last year, I stopped pre-ordering my video games, both physical and online copies. Here are three reasons why pre-ordering your video games is going to cost you time and money in the long run.

Release-day Patches

Ah, yes, the infamous release-day patches. Remember when we used to get complete games upon release? Yeah, me too, but that’s no longer the case.

Is a tiny patch going to ruin my gameplay? Probably not, although it makes me lose confidence in the game company.

Pre-order Extras Aren’t Worth It

I’ll admit, there are some pretty cool pre-order extras out there. The Persona 5 The Royal Phantom Thieves Edition is beautiful, for lack of a better term. Do I need it? Absolutely not.

Pre-order extras usually cost more money too. Last time I checked, I play the game, not the extras.

Steam Sales

Did your wallet start sweating profusely? So did mine. Now, I found that if a game is well received, the price stays at $69.99 for a few months. If a game isn’t received well, it starts to drop in price much faster.

This trick works for physical video game copies too. Thanks to Steam, you don’t have to leave the house to get the sale.

Of course, just because the game you’re interested in isn’t widely loved, it doesn’t mean it’s not good. There are many, many reasons why video game journalists and gamers don’t like a game.

What you like is up for you to decide.

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